在一支球队最久的球员排行:对于大部分球员来说,换球队就和换衣服一样,没什么大不了的,但某些球员就像是镇队之宝,自进入 NBA 后即不曾转会。现役球员中有哪些人属于这类“稀有动物”呢?(以下仅列出较有名气的九名球员)(1)哈基姆·奥拉朱旺:从1984-1985赛季至今,他在休斯敦火箭队一共停留了15个赛季。(2)约翰·斯托克顿:从1984-1985赛季至今,约翰在爵士队走过了15个春秋。(3)乔·杜马斯:从1985-1986赛季至今,桂马斯在底特律居住了14个赛季。(4)帕特里克·尤因:从1985-1986赛季至今,这位老将一共在尼克斯熬了14个年头。(5)卡尔·马龙:从1985-1986赛季至今,马龙勤勤恳恳地为爵士队工作了14个赛季。(6)雷杰·米勒:从1987-1988赛季至今,雷杰·米勒为步行者效力了12个赛季。(7)里克·施密茨:从1988-1989赛季至今,里克施密茨忠心耿耿地在步行者队守候到了他的第11个赛季。(8)安德森:从1989-1990赛季至今,魔术队的安德森在奥兰多驻扎了10个赛季。
Ranking on the longest team player: For most players, changing teams is as big and changing as clothes, but some players are like the town’s treasures and have not turned since entering the NBA meeting. (Which of the nine players are more famous?) Hakam Olajuwon: From the 1984-1985 season to the present he In the Houston Rockets spent a total of 15 seasons. (2) John Stockton: From 1984-1985 season, John has been in the Jazz for 15 years. (3) Joe Dumas: From the 1985-1986 season to the present, Guimas lived in Detroit for 14 seasons. (4) Patrick Ewing: From the 1985-1986 season so far, the veteran spent a total of 14 years in the Knicks. (5) Karl Malone: From the 1985-1986 season so far, Malone diligently worked for the Jazz for 14 seasons. (6) Rege Miller: From the 1987-1988 season so far, Reagan Miller played for the Pacers for 12 seasons. (7) Rick Schmitz: From the 1988-1989 season so far, Rick Schmitz loyal to the Pacers to wait until his 11th season. (8) Andersen: From the 1989-1990 season so far, Magic’s Anderson was stationed in Orlando for 10 seasons.