经过十多年研究试验,HDTV(高清晰度电视)已经面世,1985年筑波国际科技博览会上,HDTV第一次同参观者见面。由于向来的VTR采用模拟方式记录,经过3~4次的配音编辑到节目完成,图象质量已明显劣化,数字VTR(DVTR)就是为了弥补这个缺点。在HDTV中用DVTR对保证重放图象质量更有重要意义。 HDTV同现行电视相比,约有5倍以上信息量,因此记录和重放所需的信号频带要宽得多。在理想情况下,采用R、G、B信号记录,基本带宽分别需要30兆赫。将其数字化,数据量约达1500兆比特/秒以上。为了相应于视觉特性进行频带压缩,将R、G、B信号变
After more than a decade of research and experimentation, HDTV (High Definition Television) is available, and at the Tsukuba International Technology Expo in 1985, HDTV first met visitors. Since the VTR has been used to record the way analog, after 3 to 4 dubbing to the completion of the program, the image quality has been significantly deteriorated, digital VTR (DVTR) is to make up for this shortcoming. In the HDTV using DVTR to ensure playback of image quality is more important. HDTV is about five times more informative than current TVs, so the signal bandwidth required for recording and playback is much wider. In the ideal case, using R, G, B signal recording, the basic bandwidth needs 30 MHz respectively. Digitize it to over 1500 megabits per second. In order to compress the band corresponding to the visual characteristics, the R, G, B signals are changed