1989年11月,滦南县邢洪林乡狮子庄村民,在村西北的土岗上取土的发现一座古墓,县文管所闻讯后及时派人赶到现场,但墓已破坏的面目全非。 据目击者讲述:其墓为圆形,砖砌,墓口南开,墓径约3米左右,顶部早年已毁,残存高度约2米左右,随葬品大部放置在墓北壁跟部。现将出土器物分别介绍如下:
In November 1989, an villager from Shizhuang village, Xinghonglin village, Luannan County, found an ancient tomb on the soil in the northwest of the village. The county municipality immediately dispatched people to the scene after hearing the news, but the tomb has been destroyed beyond recognition . According to eyewitness accounts, the tomb was circular, brickwork, and the tomb mouth was open at about 3 meters. The top of the tomb was destroyed in early years and the remnant height was about 2 meters. Most of the funeral articles were placed on the north wall of the tomb. Now unearthed artifacts were introduced as follows: