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科学技术的蓬勃发展,已成为当今社会经济发展的一种主导力量,科学技术作为第一生产力在我国经济发展中的关键作用已逐渐显现出来。特别是我国加入WTO之后,广大企业要想立于不败之地,必须加大高科技成果的应用。彭道儒教授发明的DJB-823固体薄膜保护剂正是这样一项居国际领先水平的高科技成果,通过十几年来大力推广应用的实践,已充分证明,DJB-823固体薄膜保护剂具有技术含量高、应用面广、工艺简单、投资少、见效快、效益高等特点,自问世以来已在国防与广大企业中发挥了很好的作用,由于自身强大的生命力,今后必将继续发挥重要作用。823保护剂是以润滑剂与金属缓蚀剂相结合的 The vigorous development of science and technology has become a dominant force in the current social and economic development. The pivotal role of science and technology as the primary productive force in the economic development of our country has gradually emerged. Especially after China’s accession to the WTO, the vast number of enterprises in order to be invincible, we must increase the application of high-tech achievements. DJB-823 solid thin film protective agent invented by Professor Peng Dao-ru is such an internationally leading high-tech achievement. Through more than 10 years of practice, it has been fully proved that DJB-823 solid thin film protective agent has high technical content It has played a very good role in national defense and many enterprises since its publication. Due to its strong vitality, it will surely continue to play an important role in the future. 823 protective agent is a combination of lubricant and metal corrosion inhibitor
本文论述夏衍在电影剧作和理论两个方面的杰出成就。在电影剧作方面 ,分析了夏衍在时代感、真实性、抒情性、民族性方面的追求和特色。在电影理论方面 ,文章从中国电影发展史