一周公庙遗址位于岐山县县城西北凤凰山下的周公庙东、南、西三面缓坡台地上,遗址面积较大, 北高南低,广布仰韶、龙山、西周时期的文化遗迹、遗物。早在1981年第二次全国文物普查时,在周公庙遗址就发现了空心砖,推断为周代遗物。1990年 4月,笔者在周公庙东崖距地表约两米处发现了一块空心砖的残块,该空心砖与灰陶、夹砂红陶同出一地层。从采集到的空心砖看,砖体较大,估计为长方形,平面密饰粗绳纹,胎厚约2.5cm,宽
One week temple site is located in Qishan County, northwest of Qixian County, under the Phoenix Mountain east, south and west of the gentle slope on the platform, the site larger, north and south low, widely Yangshao, Longshan, Western Zhou Dynasty cultural relics, relics. As early as 1981, when the second national cultural relic census was conducted, hollow bricks were found at the site of the Zhougongmiao Temple, and it was inferred to be a relic of the Zhou Dynasty. In April 1990, I found a block of hollow brick in Dongjiao Temple Dongya about two meters away from the ground surface. From the collection of hollow brick to see, the brick body larger, estimated as rectangular, flat, dense cords, fetal thickness of about 2.5cm, width