27岁,孕47周,胎动消失8天,于1990年12月12日入院。孕2产1。第一胎系臀位分娩。月经史17 28/4,未次月经1990年1月14日。入院前8天胎动突然消失。无外伤史。查体:宫高36cm,腹围98cm。子宫张力大,无压痛,胎心听不到,胎位不清,耻骨联合上方空虚,子宫下缘距耻骨联合9cm。外阴、阴道正常,单宫颈。盆腔左侧可触及如孕2月大之子宫,右侧穹窿部可触及一囊性包块,直径约5cm,诊为残角子宫妊娠。剖腹探查,术中未见
27 years old, 47 weeks pregnant, fetal movement disappeared 8 days, December 12, 1990 admission. Pregnancy 2 production 1. The first breech birth birthing. Menstrual history 17 28/4, not menstrual period January 14, 1990. 8 days before admission fetal movement suddenly disappear. No history of trauma. Examination: Palace high 36cm, abdominal circumference 98cm. Uterine tension, no tenderness, fetal heart rate, unclear fetal position, the pubic symphysis above the empty, the lower edge of the uterus from the pubic symphysis 9cm. Vulva, normal vagina, single cervix. Pelvic left side of the uterus can be reached as large as February of pregnancy, the right fornix can reach a cystic mass, a diameter of about 5cm, diagnosed as residual angle uterine pregnancy. Laparotomy, no intraoperative