A Comparison and Contrast of Word—formation Between English and Chinese

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  【Abstract】A comparison and contrast of word-formation between English and Chinese is beneficial for teachers and students, in thatthose two languages not only have much in common in the way of creating words, but also possess their own special methods of word-formation.
  【Key words】word-formation; Chinese; English; comparison and contrast
  【作者簡介】张媛(1991- ),女,汉族,舞阳县人,西京学院外国语学院,助教。
  Words, known as a combination of sounds, forms and meaning, are too hard to remember without the skillful methods, especially for second language learners. This paper analyses various ways ofChinese and English word-formation so that similarities and differences are found betweenthe two languages.
  Similar major means of word-formation
  Word-formation is beneficial for vocabulary enlargement, the common ways of which are affixation, blending, shortening, conversion and so on.
  Affixationrefers to adding derivational affixes to roots to product new words. According to the positions where affixes occur, they are divided into two subcategories: prefixes and suffixes.
  Most English prefixes modify the meaning of stems without changing their word class, and therefore the following classification of English prefixes is based on sense.
  negative prefixes
  They are used for expressing the negative or opposite meaning. For example:
  a-: as in atypical, asocial.
  dis-: as in disagree, disable.
  un-: as inunfair, unusual.
  pejorative prefixes
  mal-: as in maladaptive, malpractice.
  mis-: as in mistake, mistrust.
  prefixes of degree or size
  extra-: as in extramarital, extraordinary.
  hyper-: as in hyperactive, hypertension.
  micro-: as in microwave, microfilm.
  prefixes of orientation and attitude
  anti-: as in antibody, antichrist.
  pro-: as in prodemocracy.
  locative prefixes
  fore-: as in forehead, forecast.
  inter-: as in intermediate, interaction.
  prefixes of time and order
  ex-: as in ex-husband, ex-wife.
  re-: as in recreate, rewrite.
  number prefixes
  bi-: as in bicycle, biaxial.
  tri-: as in triangle.
  multi-: as in multimedia, multicultural.
  conversion prefixes
  en-: as in enrich, enable.
  a-: as in asleep, alive.
  miscellaneous prefixes
  auto-: as in automatic, autonomy.
  neo-: as in neoclassical, neologism.   Contrast to prefixes, suffixes in English work in the opposite way, which means they mainly transform the word class instead of the meaning of stems. Here are four categories of suffixes.
  noun suffixes
  -er (-or, -ee, -ist): as in worker, visitor, employee, pianist.
  -ion: as in action, solution.
  -hood: as in childhood, fatherhood.
  (2) verb suffixes
  -ize/ise: as in realize, symbolize.
  -en: as in lighten, broaden.
  (3) adjective suffixes
  -ous: as in curious, ambitious.
  -ish: as in foolish, childish.
  (4) adverb suffixes
  -ly: as in quickly, slowly.
  -ward: as in backward.
  Chinese, as a non-morphological language, is incomparable with English suffixes above. That is to say, Chinese affixes are limited in quantity. The role of Chinese affixes is mainly to change the grammatical function of the bases, rather than the semantic meaning of words.
  Some functional prefixes may phonetically help balance words in pronunciation and grammatically indicate the plural form of pronouns, for example: 老-(phonetic prefix): 老虎, 老鄉,老爷…;阿-(phonetic prefix): 阿姨, 阿三…;最-(grammatical prefix): 最好, 最多… most of the other prefixes contain various semantic meanings, just like the following ones: 次- (next to/poor): as in次要, 次日;非- (not): as in非法, 非正常;反- (against): as in反攻, 反抗, 反射;双- (double/two): as in 双层, 双方.
  Unlike English suffixes forming different classes of word, Chinese suffixes basically constitute nouns, as shown in the following cases: -员 (member/person): as in 演员, 会员;-学 (subject): as in 文学,哲学;-室(room): as in 办公室,教室;-品(object): as in物品,化妆品;-子/头/儿(meaningless): as in孩子,一会儿,老头子.
  1.2 Blending
  Blending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of them are not in their full forms (Wang Aiguo, 1997). Here are two typical kinds of English and Chinese blends.
  English blends:
  head trail
  smoke fog → smog motorist hotel → motel
  head head
  situation comedy → sitcom communication satellite → comsat
  Chinese blends:
  女孩当新娘→ 嫁把新娘接来→ 娶
  Shortening, also called abbreviation, is a way to produce new words through cutting down original words or phrases without changing their semantic meaning. With a strong new creative ability, word shortening is especially remarkable in scientific or newspaper style.
【摘要】要想提高学生的英语学习热情和积极性,英语教师首先要激发起学生的英语学习积极性,让他们真正参与到英语课堂中,成为自己学习中的鞭策者和激励者。在提高学生的英语学习兴趣之前,英语教师要做一定的课前布置和安排。  【关键词】初中英语;中学生;兴趣培养  【作者简介】赵洪仙,云南省玉溪市新平彝族傣族自治县戛洒第二中学。  鉴于初中生仍处于活跃期的性格,英语教师要精心钻研英语教材,激发学生的学习兴趣,
【摘要】课堂生成是指“在师生互动、生本互动、生生互动的课堂教学过程中,三维教学目标得以达成;同时,课堂生成的教学资源得以为教学的继续互动和目标的再生服务。”新课程背景下的初中英语课堂教学,是师生、生生之间积极互动、共同交往、共同发展的一个动态过程。因此,新课程理念下的教学要求教师对文本教学设计的同时,更追求课堂现场的有效生成。唯有追求课堂的动态生成,才能达到学生信心的重塑和情感的交流。  【关键词
【摘要】新课程标准的改革下达后,当前的教育教学中,英语教师对英语教程的教学方式进行了相应的改进措施,初中英语的语法教学已经从单纯的讲授式教学逐渐转变成重视学生的语法理解能力的培养,在新课程改革的十余年内,教师们不断的摸索和实践不同的教学方式,并根据实践内容分析强调关于初中英语语法的教学重要性,通过一系列新型教学方式,激发学生对于初中英语的兴趣。  【关键词】新课程标准;初中英语;语法教学  【作者
【摘要】随着改革开放的脚步日益加快,英语作为全国通用语言的学习日益重要。作为英语学习的基础 初中英语学习又显得尤为重要,但是初中英语教学由于为英语学科打基础的特点有着独特的复杂性,尤其是作为英语学科重中之重的英语阅读。由于大量阅读对于英语学习的辅助,本文主要研究当今教育背景下初中英语阅读教学的特点,评析其近年来的发展以及对未来英语阅读教学的前景做出细致分析。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;发展趋