慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者大约占英国总人口的1%,该病也是全世界范围内主要的致残和致死疾病。及时诊断和对疾病的严重程度进行分期都需要用到肺活量计,从理论上说,接受过培训的全科医生(GPs)及其执业人员均能完成这项测定。然而,在初级保健中,测定肺活量遇到了很多困难。已有一些专门针对 COPD 患者管理的指南,比如来自英国国家卫生和临床优选研究所(NationalInstitute for Health and Clinical excellence,NICE)和全球 COPD 行动组织(Global Initiative for ChronicObstructive Lung Disease,GOLD,www.goldcopd.com)。所有这些指南均强调了肺活量计在初级保健时诊断和治疗的核心作用,但是这并不能确保全科医生一直利用这项技术来管理呼吸道疾病的患者。
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) accounts for about 1% of the total UK population and is a leading cause of disability and lethal illness worldwide. Timely diagnosis and staging of the disease require the use of a spirometer, which theoretically can be done by trained GPs and their practitioners. However, in primary care, many difficulties have been encountered in determining lung capacity. There are several guidelines specifically for managing COPD patients, such as the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD, www.goldcopd). com). All of these guidelines emphasize the central role of spirometers in the diagnosis and treatment of primary care, but this does not ensure that GPs have been using this technology to manage patients with respiratory diseases.