各位领导、各位嘉宾、同志们、朋友们: “杨森杯”医院与社会有奖征文活动,在卫生部的亲切关怀、支持下,在西安杨森制药有限公司的真诚合作下,已经圆满结束,今天在这里举行颁奖仪式。我们向今天到会的顾英奇副部长、卫生部各司局领导、西安杨森制药有限公司的杨伟强副总裁、麦锦荣经理、到会的编委、各位获奖者和首都新闻界的朋友以及所有来宾致以诚挚的谢意!
Leaders, distinguished guests, comrades and friends: The “Yangsen Cup” hospital and the society’s award-winning essay campaign were successfully concluded with the sincere cooperation of Xian Janssen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. under the care and support of the Ministry of Health. The award ceremony is held here. We went to today’s Deputy Minister Gu Yingqi, the heads of the ministries of the Ministry of Health, Yang Weiqiang, the vice president of Xi’an Janssen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Mr. McGinnon’s manager, the members of the editorial board, the winners and friends of the capital, and all the guests. Thank you sincerely!