Today, Wu Tianming is a typical representative of China’s fourth-generation film director. Recent legend, Wu Tian-ming, wantonly wantonly surrendered to the factory director, specializing in filming. Wu Tianming road, it is filled with emotion. Wu Tianming road difficult but not long, weep without bitterness. It is true that an open political climate has created a vast space for him to soar, but under the same conditions, the difference between man and man is enormous. And Wu Tianming is a master. His contribution to the West Film Factory is outstanding. First, to create a dare to act as a director group Western film shows the rising momentum can be traced back to smash the “gang of four” after the initial. At the end of 1971, Teng Wenji and Wu Tianming’s “Vibrato of Life” were typical examples of the first scars produced after the Cultural Revolution.