国家使命 智库担当

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率先建成国家高水平科技智库是党和国家赋予中科院的光荣使命。作为国家在科学技术方面的最高咨询机构,中科院理应努力担当起这一历史使命。高端科技智库建设,不仅是国家进行宏观决策的有力科技支撑,也是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容。习近平总书记指出,我国科技事业的发展目标是“到2020年时使我国进入创新型国家行列,到2030年时使我国进入创新型国家前列,到新中国成立100年时使我国成为世界科技强国”。能否建成创新型国家、成为世界科技强 It is the glorious mission entrusted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences by the party and the state to take the lead in establishing a state-level science and technology think tank. As the country’s highest advisory body in science and technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences should strive to take up this historic mission. The construction of high-end science and technology think-tanks is not only a powerful scientific and technological support for making macroeconomic decisions by the state, but also an important part of promoting the modernization of the state governing system and governance capacity. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the goal of the development of science and technology in our country is to “bring our country into the ranks of an innovative country by 2020, bring our country into the forefront of an innovative country by 2030 and make China a world science and technology Power ”. Can we build an innovative country and become a world science and technology?
由厦门市同安恒利达实业有限公司申请的专利(公开号 CN108977128A,公开日期 2018-12-11)“一种轮胎自补液”,涉及的轮胎自补液配方为:聚乙烯醇水溶液 100,白乳胶 4~8,橡胶颗