用极化曲线和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)研究了含CO2溶液中,NaCl含量对API P105钢的电化学性能影响.结果表明,NaCl含量的增大,抑制了阴阳极反应,降低了钢铁的腐蚀速度,提高了腐蚀电位.同时Cl-在API P105钢表面的吸附为Temkin等温吸附.“,”The effect of NaCl on the corrosion behavior of API P105 steel in the saturated CO2 solutionwas studied by electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS) and polarization measurement. The resultsshowed the increase of NaCl concentration decreased the the corrosion rate of P105 steel, which was dueto the decrease of hydroxide ion concentration and the dissolution of CO2. At the same time, theadsorption of Cl- obeyed the Tenpkin isotherm.