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目的探讨中药治疗急性出血坏死性胰腺炎(AHNP)的病理与血液流变学改变.方法应用血液流变学的检测方法,观察兔AHNP时通过活血化瘀中药(丹参,红花,木香,元胡,大青叶,栀子,鱼腥草,二芍,厚朴,枳壳及大黄)腹腔灌注治疗后血液流变学的各种变化.将兔分为AHNP模型组(n=20)、中药腹腔灌注组(n=19)及对照组(n=11).AHNP模型组和中药腹腔灌注组分别于2,6,24和48h取血做血液流变学检查.同时作病理学观察比较.结果中药腹腔灌注组24h全血还原粘度、血小板聚集性降低.全血还原粘度为4236±277,血小板聚集性为425±315,而AHNP模型组中24h全血还原粘度为577±952,血小板聚集性为1812±726(P<005).中药腹腔灌注组48h全血粘度、全血还原粘度、血小板聚集性明显降低,全血粘度为1380±468,全血还原粘度为3471±1525,血小板聚集性为308±055,而AHNP模型组48h全血粘度为3071±279,全血还原粘度为8547±722,血小板聚集性为2093±601(P<001).结论早期应用活血化瘀中药,可以纠正血液流变学的异? Objective To investigate the pathological and hemorheological changes of acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis (AHNP) treated by traditional Chinese medicine. Methods The hemorheology method was used to observe the effect of AHNP on the blood circulation and blood circulation in rabbits by using traditional Chinese medicine (Salvia miltiorrhiza, safflower, woody, Yuanhu, Daqingye, Zhizi, Houttuynia, And rhubarb) Various changes in hemorheology after intraperitoneal perfusion. Rabbits were divided into AHNP model group (n = 20), Chinese medicine peritoneal perfusion group (n = 19) and control group (n = 11). AHNP model group and Chinese medicine peritoneal perfusion group were taken blood at 2,6,24 and 48h blood rheology examination. At the same time for pathological observation and comparison. Results Chinese medicine intraperitoneal perfusion group 24h whole blood reduction viscosity, decreased platelet aggregation. The reduction of whole blood viscosity was 42 36 ± 2  77, platelet aggregation was 4  25 ± 3  15, while 24h ANAP model group reduced viscosity of 57  7 ± 9  52, platelet aggregation was 18  12 ± 726 (P <005). The 48h whole blood viscosity, whole blood viscosity and platelet aggregation decreased significantly in the group of peritoneal perfusion, the whole blood viscosity was 1380 ± 468, the whole blood reduced viscosity was 3471 ± 1525, and the platelet aggregation was 3  08 ± 055, while the AHNP model group 48h whole blood viscosity was 30  71 ± 2  79, the whole blood reduction viscosity was 85  47 ± 7  22, platelet aggregation was 20  93 ± 6  01 (P <001). Conclusion early application of traditional Chinese medicine, blood circulation can correct the different?
据德国的研究人员报道:在对随诊多年的类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者研究中发现,普通X线检查可以准确地辨认出关节炎愈合征。 以往常常关心的是RA患者病情进展的X线表现,而当前观
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