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天塌下来了,这只是传说。地震,人们并不陌生。汶川大地震,却是比唐山大地震更为惨烈的灾难,剧烈的地动山摇几乎将所有的村庄夷为平地,强大的山崩地裂和顷刻而至的滑坡将山谷里的村庄淹灭,轰起的尘土升上天空,如同核武器爆炸的磨菇云,将一切生灵、神灵和希望化为乌有;千万朵花一样的生命在朗朗书声中被死神掳去,留下残缺的躯体和悲伤……,黑色的五月,13亿中国人伤心落泪,有良知的人类伤心落泪。四千万同胞并没有被灾难吓倒,他们有13亿同胞的关怀,有中国共产党和中国政府的关怀,有全世界富有同情心的人们的关怀,他们会度过最艰难的日子。地震还没有结束,那里的同胞现在怎样?那里的畜禽业怎样?那里的企业和农户怎样?那里的一切又怎样?5月26日,本刊王晓峰、程军波两位记者飞赴四川……他们感受到了灾区人们的苦难,感受到了那里的家禽企业、农户的艰难,他们感受到灾区百废待兴……,可是,他们想要表达的,却无法以一个主题传达给你,所以,还是以日记的形式如实反应他们的所见所闻……如果你有什么感想,如果你有什么给灾区的良方,如果你……,请你保持和我们的联系,我们乐意转达你的意愿。 The sky is falling, this is just legend. Earthquakes, people are no stranger to. The Wenchuan earthquake was even more traumatic than the Tangshan earthquake. Dramatic earth shaking almost all the villages were razed to the ground. The powerful landslides and immediate landslides drowned the villages in the valley, The rising dust rises to the sky like a cloud of mushrooms that explodes in nuclear weapons, turning all living beings, gods and hopes into oblivion. Tens of thousands of flower-like lives are taken captive by death in the sound of Langlang, Sad ... ... Black May, 1.3 billion Chinese sad and crying, conscience of human sad tears. Forty million compatriots have not been intimidated by the disaster. They have the care of 1.3 billion compatriots, the care of the CPC and the Chinese government, the care of the compassionate people of the world and the toughest days they will ever make. On May 26, two reporters Wang Xiaofeng and Cheng Junbo of our magazine flew to Sichuan ... ... they are not over yet. Where are the poultry industry? Where are the livestock and poultry industry? Where are the businesses and peasant households? They felt the hardship of the people in the affected areas, felt the difficulties of the poultry businesses and peasants there, and they felt the relief of the disaster areas. However, they wanted to express but they could not be conveyed to you under one theme, so Diary forms accurately reflect what they have seen and heard ... If you have any thoughts on what to do if you have any remedy to the affected area, if you ..., please keep in touch with us and we will be happy to convey your wishes.
目的通过CT影像研究斜外侧腰椎椎间融合术(oblique lumbar interbody fusion,OLIF)手术通道的安全值,以及膈肌脚、腹主动脉分叉等解剖结构对手术通道的影响。方法收集2016年06月至2016年09月因腰椎退行性疾病住院行腰椎CT检查110例患者的影像资料并进行回顾性分析,男69例,女41例;年龄16~83岁,平均(47.95±13.48)岁。在PACS影像系统中调取该