Sick child, male, 2 years old, due to “left scrotum emptiness 2 years” admission. Sick child line 1 first birth, the mother’s prenatal line B ultrasound examination revealed fetal left scrotal swelling, diagnosis: fetal testicular cancer; caesarean section after delivery, left scrotal swelling, about 8cm × 7cm × 7cm size, cystic , There is a sense of volatility. Scrotal skin dark red, shiny, obvious pain, light transmission test (-), left testicular palpable. Piercing pumping bloody solution 18ml, confirmed as hematoma, and then puncture decompression 2 times intravenous antibiotics and hemostatic drugs, the tumor shrinks. At that time the diagnosis: “scrotum hematoma, testicular torsion (left).” Admission examination: left scrotum dysplasia, touched a size of about 0.5cm × 0.5cm × 0.5cm mass, soft, relatively large testis on the right. Elective general anesthesia after admission groin scrotal exploration. See intraoperative spermatic cord adhesion, revealed unclear, spermatic cord