Using Student—centered Strategies to Engage College learners in the English as a Second Language Cla

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  【Abstract】This paper discusses how to improve students’ commu?nicative competence in teaching English as a second language. It will introduce different activities for college level students to encourage their interest and involve and talk in the classroom. These activities will not only practice Chinese students’ grammar and vocabulary; at the same time these activities will provide more chance for students to practice their oral English.
  【Key words】ESL; EFL; Activities in Classroom; college level
  The role of Teachers in Activities
  Teachers should use structured input activities in their classes because the required textbook is written based on the structured input model. The teachers are obligated to cover a certain amount of activities in each chapter. They have the freedom to decide how they want to arrange the order of the activities and modify them accordingly. After they cover the required activities, the teachers have a choice to provide activities.
  Learner-centered activities are characterized by practitioners, thus activities such as a methodology has much to do with interaction. Activities use communication as a means to reach the goal of learning English. Teachers in activities class have three major roles. The first and most important role is to serve as facilitators. The teacher should guide students’ learning and communication. Teacher should design some meaningful activities before the class, thus during the class, she/he will be provided more opportunities for students to interact.
  What should teaching activities look like?
  In ideal learner centered ESL classroom, there are general guidelines for creating EFL activities.
  First, an effective activity should have preparatory parts that facilitate the students with grammar, vocabulary and relevant background knowledge, which is foundational part of learning. The activity is to enhance grammar and vocabulary.
  Second, students are centered and students are provided with opportunities to use the target language to communicate through communicative activities. There are various classifications of activities that are typically found in a communicative language classroom. For example, Paulston and Bruder (1976, p.130)
  Third, it is mostly agreed that one of the goals of using activities is to develop fluency in language use. In Richard’s (2006) terms, “fluency is the natural language use occurring when a speaker engages in meaningful interaction and maintains comprehensible and ongoing communication despite limitations in his or her communicative competence”.   Type of Activities
  The First type is called the Information-gap activity. These activities are basically based on the fact that occurs in their textbooks. First, the teachers divide the class into groups of 5 according to alphabet A,B,C,D,E,F (depend on the class size). Each student in one group will design questions and answers. Then one group will collect the questions and ask students from other groups. Students will think about what they will answer. This activity can cultivate students to think, at the same time, students can be involved in information gap activities. They will exchange unknown information in language classrooms. This activity can be used to build vocabulary, grammar, and communication strategies to complete a task.
  The second activity is called the Jigsaw activity. These activities are also based on the information-gap principle. Students in each group will count from one to five. According to the different number, students will be have a different group from team one to five. Each new team will be given one paragraph. Students in one group will be an expert and will talk about their assigned paragraph’s content, language structure, and make summaries, dialogs. Then they will go back their original groups from A to E. So now there are five experts in one group. Each student will talk to others about the main points of his or her assign pragraph.
  The third activity is the Communication game. This game is mainly made up of information-gap activities, which are intended to have good communication in the classroom. Five students will be in one group, and each one will be given different graphs to read. After they finish their reading, they need to talk with each other and share the information, and make the correct order of the passage. At the same time, they should tell the reason why they are making this order. After all the teams finish, the teacher will give the correct order for everyone. This will create the need to speak and communicate. Students feel it is a challenge to participate; thus, an unconscious learning and practicing of knowledge occurs which erases the fears learners have for speaking in the class.
【摘要】培养学生学习方法,良好的师生关系,民主,和谐平等的氛围,注意教学方法。  【关键词】学习方法 学习习惯  我从事初中英语教学已有20个年头了。在英语教学活动中也或多或少积累了一点方法,当一名英语老师也不容易,所以说对于我们团场的学生来说,因缺乏语言环境,学习英语的氛围,所以学生学习英语有一定困难。在教学中也存在的困惑,现将自己教学中的想法与大家分享。  一、面向全体学生,调动学生积极性  
【摘要】传统教学课堂采用的教学方式千篇一律,以集体教学为主,忽略了学生的个性培养,导致教学效率不高,学生的能力得不到锻炼,在教学活动中,教师必须明确学生个体之间是有差异的,尊重学生发展的顺序性、阶段性、差异性,做到因材施教,注重学生个性的培养,开发学生的潜力,让学生在学习中能够发现自身的优势,对于有相同问题的学生进行针对性的提高,本文围绕“分层教学在小学英语教学中的应用”为主题展开探讨。  【关键
【摘要】小学生在英语学习中,在词汇的学习、记忆和运用等方面存在较大的障碍,更是导致很多学生对英语学习失去兴趣的主要原因,因此,小学英语教师应该不断创新教学模式,结合学生的年龄特点和兴趣爱好设计生动有趣的教学活动,让学生在快乐的氛围中学习英语词汇,从而提高学生记忆词汇的效果。  【关键词】小学英语 词汇教学 创设情境 类比法  英语词汇教学是小学生学习英语的基础,由于小学生本身对汉语的学习就感觉有些
【摘要】针对目前初中学生英语评判性阅读能力缺乏的现状,笔者结合初中英语教学实践,围绕评判性阅读技能,结合具体案例对初中英语阅读教学设计进行探索,从读前激活评判性阅读能力、读中发展评判性阅读能力及读后拓展评判性阅读能力三个维度,设计不同形式的阅读活动,从而达到培养学生评判性阅读能力的目的。  【关键词】初中英语 评判性阅读技能 阅读教学设计  一、问题的提出  根据调查研究,发现在初中英语阅读教学中
【摘要】口语,作为目前考核大学生英语能力的重要指标之一,常常是依赖学生一次口语考试情况,由教师给出终结性评价。这并不能全面客观地反应学生口语真实水平。本文以广西财经学院口语教学为例,提出运用学生互评的方式,通过仔细分析问卷调查、现场调查的结果,探究其在大学生口语课上运用的可行性、有效性。  【关键词】同伴评价 口语训练 问卷调查 运用 提高  一、引言  根据我国《大学英语》课程大纲的要求,学生的
【Abstract】Burnout becomes a common phenomenon in all walks of life.Scholars have begun to focus on the burnout of primary and secondary school teachers,but little attention was given to teachers of se
【摘要】作者在与本族语读者交流时对双方共有文化背景知识的省略造成了文化缺省问题,阻碍着译语读者对原作的理解,译者必须采取合理的翻译策略进行文化补偿。关联理论对文化缺省现象具有较强的解释力,本文在其理论框架下,對古典名著《聊斋志异》英译本中宗教神话、风俗习惯、历史和文学典故等文化因素的处理进行分析,从中归纳出有效的补偿策略。  【关键词】文化缺省 关联理论 《聊斋志异》 补偿策略  一、《聊斋志异》
【摘要】网络聊天能创造接近真实的语言交流环境,提供非母语学习者不受地域限制的英语交流机会,促进学习者,尤其是英语基础薄弱者参与英语讨论。本文通过网络聊天课堂的实际应用和国内外相关网络聊天的实证研究,综合分析了目前网络聊天和传统课堂教学各自的优势,最后提出了网络聊天应用于英语教学在课程安排,教师作用,课堂反馈等方面的具体实施原则。  【关键词】网络聊天 协作学习 焦虑 聊天记录  随着互联网的普及,
【摘要】笔者从教学设计、课堂亮点和课堂不足三个方面来反思自己的一堂区级公开课。通过这次教学实践和反思,提出了无论是主动开设公开课还是积极听取公开课均有助于教师的专业成长。  【关键词】公开课 教学实践与反思 教师专业成长  开设公开课,听后评课是教研活动中最常见的一种方式,也是研究课堂教学、提高教研水平和教学质量,促进教师专业成长的一种行之有效的方法。今年本人有幸参加了苏州吴中区第八届初中英语名师