母爱是世界上最伟大、最无私的爱。人人皆知母亲是最疼爱孩子的,难道孩子患病时,母亲还会使患儿心理上受到不良刺激吗? 我家邻居张某有一独生女儿,聪明伶俐,是学校有名的“三好”学生,但美中不足之处是孩子爱生病。3、5个月就要患一次气管炎,一到此时,张某时而情绪低落,时而心急如焚,茶饭不进,守候在病榻前。白天,当着孩子的面,将患儿咳痰的情况记录在一张自制的护理观察表上,以致患儿不敢当着母亲的面咳嗽;夜间,当孩子因痰刺激喉头发出一阵阵呛
Maternal love is the greatest and most selfless love in the world. Everyone knows that the mother is the most loved child, can the child be sick, the mother will make the child psychologically adverse stimulation? My neighbor Zhang has an only daughter, clever, is the school’s famous “Miyoshi” Students, but the fly in the ointment is the children love sick. 3,5 months will suffer from a bronchitis, one at this time, Zhang sometimes depressed, sometimes distracted, not dinner, waiting in front of the sick bed. During the day, in front of the child, sputum was recorded in a homemade care watch, so that children can not cough in front of his mother; at night, when the child throat phlegm stimulate the bursts of choking