在我国经历了20多年改革开放 ,迈入21世纪的时候 ;在国民经济经历了20多年持续快速健康成长 ,正在新的发展阶段的关头 ,以江泽民同志为核心的党中央高瞻远瞩 ,审时度势 ,把握大局 ,提出了西部大开发的战略决策。这是在我国现代化建设的关键时期提出的振兴中华的大战略、
At a time when the national economy has experienced sustained rapid and healthy growth of more than 20 years and is at a new stage of development, the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core has a far-sighted and long-term vision of the current situation and grasps the overall situation , Put forward the strategic decision-making of the western development. This is a grand strategy proposed by China to revitalize China in the crucial period of our country’s modernization.