本书由广西科学技术出版社推出,甘幼玶著,1992年第一版。 全书史料丰富,但仍以评论为主。内容包括:评述杨振宁和李政道合作发现弱相互作用宇称不守恒规律、记杨振宁在统计物理学领域的成就、评述杨振宁—米尔斯规范场理论革命性的意义、记杨振宁读书教学四十五年的生涯;最后以“杨振宁的成功之路给我们的启示”为概括。作者为理论物理教授,学识渊博,兼备向读者娓娓动听解说的热忱,以深入浅出的语言把艰深的科学问题化解为明白的道理。
Book published by Guangxi Science and Technology Press, Gansu wandering, 1992 first edition. The book is rich in historical data, but still the main comment. The contents include: Commenting on the cooperation between Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao, discovering the law of weak parity, the non-conservation of parity, Yang Zhenning’s achievements in the field of statistical physics, commenting on the revolutionary significance of Yang Zhenning-Mills theory field theory, Career; Finally, “Yang Zhenning’s success to our enlightenment” as a general rule. The author is a professor of theoretical physics, profound knowledge, both to explain to the reader’s enthusiasm, easy to understand the language to resolve difficult scientific problems to understand the truth.