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  In 2018, the General Social Survey for the first time included a battery of questions on pet ownership.The findings not only quantified the nation’s pet population - nearly 6 in 10 households have at least one-they made it possible to see how pet ownership overlaps with all sorts of factors of interest to socialscientists.
  Like happiness.
  For starters, there is little difference between pet owners and non-owners when it comes to happiness,the survey shows. The two groups are statistically indistinguishable on the likelihood of identifying as "veryhappy" (a little over 30 percent) or "not too happy" (in the mid-teens).
  But when you break the data down by pet type - cats, dogs or both - a stunning divide emerges: Dogowners are about twice as likely as cat owners to say they’re very happy, with people owning both fallingsomewhere in between.
  Dog people, in other words, are slightly happier than those without any pets. Those in the cat camp, onthe other hand. are significantly less happy than the pet-less. And having both appears to cancel each otherout happiness-wise.
  These differences are quite large: The happiness divide between dog and cat owners is bigger than theone between people who identify as middle and upper class, and nearly as large as the gap between those whosay they’re in "fair" versus "good or excellent" health.
  However, correlation doesn’t equal causation, and there are probably a number of other differencesbetween dog and cat owners that account for some of the differences. The General Social Survey data showthat dog owners, for instance, are more likely to be married and own their own homes than cat owners, bothfactors known to affect happiness and life satisfaction.
  Previous research on this topic yielded mixed results. In 2006, the Pew Research Center found nosignificant differences in happiness between pet owners and non-pet owners, or cat and dog owners. However,that survey did not distinguish between people who owned "only" a dog or a cat, and those who owned "either"a dog or a cat, potentially muddying the distinctions between exclusive dog and cat owners.
  A 2016 study of dog and cat owners, on the other hand, yielded greater happiness ratings for dog ownersrelative to cat people. It attributed the contrast, at least in part, to differences in personality: Dog ownerstended to be more agreeable, more extroverted and less neurotic than cat owners. And a 2015 study linkedthe presence of a cat in the home to fewer negative emotions, but not necessarily an mcrease in positive ones.   Other research makes the case that some of the pet-happiness relationship is causal, at least when itcomes to canines. A 2013 study found, for instance, that dog owners are more likely to engage in outdoorphysical activity than people who don’t own dogs, with obvious benefits for health and happiness.
  Research also has shown that dog owners are more likely than other folks to form friendships withpeople in their neighborhoods on the basis of the random encounters that happen when they’re out walkingtheir pets. Those social connections likely contribute to greater well-being among dog owners.
  The General Social Survey also asked a number of questions about how people interact with their pets,and the answers may also explain some of the happiness gap. Dog owners, for instance, are more likely toseek comfort from their pet in times of stress, more likely to play with their pet, and more likely to considertheir pet a member of their family. Those differences suggest a stronger social bond with their pets, whichcould create a greater sense of well-being.
  Stepping away from the data, cat owners might protest that ownership isn’t about "happiness" at all:There’s something about felines that is grander and more mysterious - something that can’t be captured in apublic opinion poll.
  "A cat has absolute emotional honesty," as Ernest Hemingway put it. "Human beings, for one reason oranother, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not."
庆祝“十月革命”胜利40周年广播比赛证书(正面)  中俄人民之间友谊源远流长,特别是20世纪50年代,两国人民之间兄弟般的情谊更是达到前所未有的高度。今天,在中国国家主席习近平和俄罗斯总统普京引领下,中俄两国关系进入“历史最高水平”。这一切,让我想起了1957年参加庆祝“十月革命”40周年广播比赛的难忘经历。一  从中国共产党诞生到土地革命战争、抗日战争再到解放战争,一直被我党称为“老大哥”的苏联
美国学者近期研究发现,冥思有助于改善偏头痛,抑制紧张情绪。  有数据显示,超过20%的成年女性和超过10%的成年男性受偏头痛困扰。大多数偏头痛患者服用各种各样的麻醉药,然而有时麻醉药并不能达到预想的治疗效果,而且还会让人产生依赖。  就此,美国学者邀请19位患有慢性偏头痛的志愿者进行研究,结果证实,传统的冥思是最好的预防和改善偏头痛的方法。在做瑜伽时冥思会逐渐改善偏头痛状况,抑制紧张情绪。(《环球
从前,米尔波特小镇有个会计,名叫格林。他的祖先创办了一家专门为人提供会计服务的公司,一直传到格林这一代。由于祖辈们的精打细算、悉心经营,公司的生意历来红火,上门的客户络绎不绝。经年累月,屋前的一个大理石台阶竟被磨出一个深坑。  格林的朋友们一直劝他换个新台阶,以免有人不慎滑倒,万一惹上官司,搞不好连家底都得赔进去。  格林并未将这事放在心上。这天早上,格林打开报纸,看到一则新闻:一户人家的树被狂风
2017年9月16日,我收到吉尼斯世界纪录寄来的证书,证书上写着: “最长的昆虫是一只竹节虫(中国巨竹节虫),腿完全伸展测量是640毫米,由成都华希昆虫博物馆在中国四川省成都市饲养,2017年8月公布。”这意味着该种被国际权威认证机构正式承认,刷新了世界上已经被人类发现的807 625种昆虫(截至2015年9月28日最新数据)中的最长纪录。 这个引起轰动的昆虫物种叫中国巨竹节虫,属于竹节虫目,全世
德阳是四川省一个不大的小城,和成都相距70多千米,小城本来也平淡无奇,和大多数城市一样,高楼林立,车水马龙。  德阳城有条河穿城而过,那条河叫绵远河。绵远河发源于九顶山,是沱江的上游,全长133.6千米,穿城的河段有16.1千米。这段河上架起了十座桥,其中有座叫岷江路大桥的桥,居然是个著名的观鸟点,还是德阳市林业局挂牌的最佳观鸟点。  德阳观鸟的故事,就从这里开始。  每年11月开始,越冬的水鸟陆
信任,是相互的。有一种著名的“信任理论”指出,信任的出发点是互动。理论的提出者西美尔认为,正是互动形成了人们之间的复杂关系,形成了社会。然而即使社会再纷繁复杂、日夜变化,即使到了今天,这种互动的信任关系也仍然是当今社会无数关系构成形式的源泉。从囚徒困境说起  两个人的信任  囚徒困境是博弈论中的一个著名案例。它是指两个嫌疑犯甲和乙私入民宅联手作案,结果被警方逮住了。比较幸运的是,警方并没有充足的证
19年来,他用自己的双脚踏遍整个北京,途经的路程超过上百万公里,抄写站名上万个,走坏了40多双鞋。他叫张鹊鸣,是一名“80后”公交乘务员,被人称为问不倒的“活地图”。  2000年,公交公司面向社会招工,张鹊鸣在众多应聘者中脱颖而出,成为公交集团第一客运分公司387路公交车上的一名乘务员。  干公交这行十分辛苦,几乎每天都要奔波在路上,但是,张鹊鸣却十分喜欢。可是,日子一长,张鹊鸣发现,他所在的3
编者按:杨遥新作《补天余》,讲述了一个靠贩卖怪石为生的小人物的故事,简单的情节,却有丰富的层次。多位年轻的批评家的解读,是对文本的阐释,也是一种延展。  “君看道旁石,  尽是补天余”  李云雷 杨遥早期的创作带有更多现代主义风格,有荒诞色彩,有黑色幽默,有意象的营造,也有迷宫式的叙述。相比之下,他最近的小说更多了现实主义,更贴近具体的现实人生,更贴近小人物的生活,《流年》写一个小公务员的生活,繁
卡扎菲死了,画面很难看,但阻挡不了利比亚人排着队去围观尸体。据说,被拘押的埃及前总统穆巴拉克看到老友被杀的电视新闻后,突然歇斯底里地大哭起来,并昏厥过去。伴随着独裁者的倒下,利比亚全国过渡委员会宣布全国解放,即将成立过渡政府。而北约方面初步决定,在10月31日结束军事行动,之后无意在利比亚周边保留军队。  就在卡扎菲死讯公布的第二天,美国总统奥巴马宣布,年底撤回全部美军,正式终结伊拉克战争。奥巴马