左锁骨骨质增生误诊为肺结核较为罕见。现报告一例如下。患者男性,20岁,1979年8月中旬有间断性低热,乏力,曾在某地检诊为扁桃体炎收治入院,经抗炎治疗热退出院。出院后第三天再次发热,查体温37~38℃之间又以发热待查住某院,先后两次胸透心肺无异常,一月后拍胸片诊断为“左上浸润性肺结核”,经抗痨治疗效果不佳,于1979年10月3日转我院。入院检查 T 37℃,P 94次,R17次,BP110/70mmHg,全身浅表淋巴结不肿大,咽部充血,心肺检
Left clavicular hyperplasia misdiagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis is relatively rare. Here is an example of the report. Male patients, 20 years old, mid-August 1979 intermittent low fever, fatigue, was diagnosed in some places as tonsillitis admitted to hospital, the anti-inflammatory heat treatment after withdrawal from the hospital. The third day after discharge, fever, check the body temperature between 37 ~ 38 ° C fever to be checked again in a hospital, has twice chest heart and lung no abnormalities, one month after the film was diagnosed as “upper left pulmonary tuberculosis” by Anti-tuberculosis treatment ineffective, in October 3, 1979 transferred to our hospital. Admission examination T 37 ℃, P 94 times, R17 times, BP110 / 70mmHg, systemic superficial lymph nodes does not enlarge, throat congestion, cardiopulmonary examination