在农业技术发展史上,化学肥料使用时间还不太长,但在发展现代农业和提高人类物质生活水平中却起了很大作用。 当前,化学肥料的世界年消耗量为8870万吨。到2000年,预计将达到2.28—3.28亿吨。据1975/76农业年度资料,化肥世界消耗强度,按有效成分计算,平均每公顷土地为59公斤;发达国家为100公斤,发展中国家为20公斤。法国一公顷耕地平均使用247公斤,英国263公斤,东德362公斤,西德386公斤,荷兰751公斤,苏联70公斤,日本440公斤,美国90公斤。
In the history of agricultural technology, chemical fertilizers have not been used for a long time, but they have played a significant role in developing modern agriculture and improving the material living standards of human beings. At present, the annual consumption of chemical fertilizers is 88.7 million tons. By 2000, it is estimated that it will reach 228-228 million tons. According to the 1975/76 agricultural annual data, the intensity of consumption in the world of chemical fertilizers, calculated on the basis of active ingredients, averaged 59 kilograms per hectare of land, 100 kilos in developed countries and 20 kilos in developing countries. France uses an average of 247 kilograms of cultivated land per hectare, 263 kilograms of Britain, 362 kilos of East Germany, 386 kilos of West Germany, 751 kilos of the Netherlands, 70 kilos of the Soviet Union, 440 kilos of Japan and 90 kilos of the United States.