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话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。自从欧洲足球一体化以后,传统的王公贵族就一直将欧洲杯当成了家门口的自留地,但是,丹麦人1992年以安徒生的名义,不但上演了欧洲足坛最为浪漫神奇的童话,也实现了上个世纪欧洲足球惟一的一次“小米加步枪”的颠覆。自那以后,欧罗巴再一次处在豪门列强的势力范围之内,不过在本届欧洲杯,希腊在雷哈格尔的带领下,以德国遗腹子的身份,第二次让欧洲足球品尝到了草莽篡位的滋味。其实,这并不是一届诡异叛逆的欧洲杯,虽然希腊称雄让意西英德法脸上无光,但从各队的战术特点和阵型打法来看,这仍然是附载在欧洲足球传统基调上的一届杯赛。比如传统的防守反击,比如四后卫链式防守,再比如边路进攻—尤其是边路进攻,这项简单而又麻木的套路,经历了几十年的风风雨雨,依然是老少皆宜。说到边路战术,就不得不提西班牙、丹麦和荷兰,在本届欧洲杯的比赛中,虽然这三支球队都没有能杀进决赛,但他们在边路所做的文章,却足以编订成册以供后人学习研究。 Saying the general trend of the world, points for a long time, for a long time will be divided. Since the integration of European football, the traditional kings and nobility have always regarded the European Cup as a private residence. However, in 1992, on behalf of Andersen, the Danish people not only staged the most romantic and fairy tale of European football, but also realized the The only European football in a century “millet plus rifle ” subversion. Since then, the Europa once again in the giants powers within the sphere of influence, but in the current European Cup, Greece under the leadership of Rehhagel, the German posthumous status, the second European football taste of the usurpation of the wilderness The taste. In fact, this is not a weird rebellion of the European Cup, although Greece to dominate the Italian West Germany and France face no light, but the tactical characteristics of the teams and the formation of play point of view, this is still attached to the traditional European football tone On a cup. Such as the traditional defensive back, such as the four guard chain defense, such as the side attack - especially the side attack, this simple but numb routines, after decades of ups and downs, still young and old. Speaking of the sidewalk tactics, I have to mention Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands, in the current European Cup, although these three teams failed to reach the finals, but they made the article on the sidewalks, but enough Compiled into a book for future generations to learn research.
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