This study provided a new configuration of the 180-deg round turned channel with a perforated divider, as well as numerically investigated the effect of perfora
Differential equations to describe elasticity are derived without the use of stress or strain. The points within the body are the independent parameters instead
Considering the finite actions of a field on the matter and the space which used to infiltrate their quantum reality at level particle, methods are developed to
Ericson formula represents the first formula, which was suggested to describe the partial level density (PLD) formula in pre-equilibrium region of the nuclear r
The equations of Euler-Lagrange elasticity describe elastic deformations without reference to stress or strain. These equations as previously published are appl
The (2 + 1)-dimensional fifth-order KdV equation is an important higher-dimensional and higher-order extension of the famous KdV equation in fluid dynamics. In