LW-1型油井水泥降失水剂是丙烯酰胺和丙烯酸的共聚物,有水刺和粉刺两种,水剂浓度≥27%,粉剂纯度≥90%。一般加入水泥重量的0.3—2%,即可迟到延长水泥浆固化时间、增加保水作用的目的。按 API 规范进行水泥浆各项性能测试,均符合要求:稠化时间3—4小时(有时需加缓凝剂);室温、0.7MPa 失水<150m1/30分钟:93℃,7MPa 失水<250ml/30分钟;抗压强度>3.5MPa。Lw-1与缓凝剂、悬浮剂等相容性良好,能适应国产各种油井水泥。目前己现场试验6口井,均取得了满意的结果。
LW-1 oil well cement fluid loss agent is a copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid, there are two kinds of spur and acne, aqueous concentration ≥ 27%, powder purity ≥ 90%. Generally join the cement weight of 0.3-2%, you can delay the extension of cement slurry curing time, increase water retention purposes. According to the API specification, the performance tests of the cement slurry are in accordance with the requirements: thickening time 3-4 hours (sometimes with retarder); room temperature, 0.7MPa water loss <150m1 / 30min: 93 ℃, 7MPa water loss < 250ml / 30 minutes; compressive strength> 3.5MPa. Lw-1 with retarders, suspending agents and other good compatibility, can adapt to a variety of domestic well cement. At present, 6 wells have been tested in the field and satisfactory results have been obtained.