Since the successful manufacture of a surgical CO 2 laser in the United States in 1967, it has been found that lasers can be used in endoscopic applications. In 1968, the laser model of endoscopic laser was successfully manufactured and experimentally studied on the dog’s vocal cords. During the experiment, the laser showed its superiority. In 1971 in order to laser surgery can achieve more accurate, sophisticated degree, attached to the laser surgical microscope components, widely used in nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, tracheal lesions. Early endoscopic lasers were fitted with a standard Jackson-Pilling bronchoscope (5mm, 30cm) on the original laser system and the visible light beam was focused on the mirror end into a 2mm diameter indicating spot. The thumb helix was used to illuminate the laser beam And instructions light spot synchronization adjustment. But this primitive laser system is stupid