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枢密院是英国都铎王朝中央政府的核心机构。都铎中期是枢密院制度建设的关键时期。其间,两位政府官员帕格特和彼得针对枢密院内部制度建设问题,先后提出了两套建制方案。这两套方案是迄今可考的都铎时期仅有的专门针对枢密院的制度规章建制方案,它们既是枢密院制度的理想化蓝本,也是政府机构现代化的文本起点。两方案集中规划会议召集、信件接收、议程制定、事务分配及会议记录五项制度。其中的具体建议有些被采纳,有些则反映了当时既有的行政方式。两方案是都铎枢密院制度发展面貌的集中体现,并承载着当时涉及政府运作问题的政治观念。是研究枢密院的必需原始资料,也是枢密院制度建设的关键历史事件。两方案所反映及造就的枢密院制度被欧洲大陆国家所效法,并对日后内阁制的发展产生了直接影响。 The Privy Council is the central body of the Tudor and Central Government. Tudor mid-term is the pivotal period of the Privy Council system. In the meantime, two government officials, Paget and Peter, put forward two sets of proposals on the system construction of the Privy Council. These two programs are the only ones in the Tudor history that can be tested so far and are specifically aimed at the Privy Council. They are not only the ideal model for the Privy Council system, but also the starting point of the text for the modernization of government agencies. The two programs focused on planning the convening of the meeting, letter reception, agenda-making, business distribution and meeting records of the five systems. Some of the specific proposals were adopted, while others reflected the existing administrative methods at that time. The two programs are the embodiment of the development of Tudor Privy Council system and carry the political conception of the government at that time. It is an essential raw material for studying the Privy Council and is also a key historic event in the construction of Privy Council system. The Privy Council system, as reflected and created by the two programs, is being followed by the European countries and has a direct impact on the development of the cabinet system in the future.
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