情绪的混乱可影响人体各种生理过程。许多情况下,心理紧张常常以躯体不适的形式表现出来。医生或病者也往往单纯地从器官上去探究病变。 心理学家做过这样的实验:会见8位公司人事部门的主管,要求他们讲述一件一生中令人最感尴尬的事情经过。给了这几位主管一些时间,让他们斟酌该让哪一件“秘史”曝光?几分钟后心理学家突然宣布说,其实是要他们描绘一下他们被提问时有什么感觉;真正的目的,是要使他们处于紧张的心理压力之下。于是,这几位主管一个个地述说了自
Emotional disorders can affect the body’s various physiological processes. In many cases, psychological stress is often manifested in the form of physical discomfort. Doctors or patients often tend to explore lesions from their organs. Psychologists have experimented with meetings with executives at eight corporate personnel departments asking them to tell the story of the most embarrassing thing in life. Give these executives some time to allow them to think about what a “secret history” exposure? A few minutes later psychologists suddenly announced that they actually wanted them to depict what they felt when asked; the real purpose, It is to keep them under intense psychological pressure. So, these executives said one by one