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邓小平同志关于“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”的题词为数学改革指明了方向。中学化学教学需要继续改革,以利于加速培养出大批具有探索精神和创造能力的适应四化建设需要的人才。长期以来,我们习惯于采用注入式的教学方法,养成学生只会照搬照抄,进行模仿式学习,不善于主动地去观察、分析,并从中探索出规律,提出解决问题的见解。这样培养出来的学生是不可能适应新技术革命的需要的。注入式教学法是以教师为主体,以受教育的学生为客体。这种教学法注重知识的传授、记忆、积累和模仿。探究式教学法跟注入式数学法截然不同。它以学生为主体,教师在教学中起主导作用;这种方法注重激发学生的积极活动——思考、质疑、辩论、总结、论证、实验,在使学生获得知识和技能的同时,发展他们的各种能力,学习探讨问题的科学方法;在培养学生创造性的思 Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s inscription on “Education must face modernization, face the world, and face the future” points the way for mathematics reform. Chemistry teaching in middle schools needs to be reformed so as to accelerate the development of a large number of talents with the spirit of exploration and creativity to meet the needs of the four modernizations. For a long time, we are accustomed to adopting injection-type teaching methods. To develop students, we only copy and imitate learning. We are not good at actively observing and analyzing, and we can explore the rules and propose solutions to problems. It is impossible for the students thus cultivated to adapt to the needs of the new technological revolution. The injection method is based on the teacher as the main body and the educated student as the object. This pedagogy focuses on knowledge transfer, memory, accumulation, and imitation. The inquiry teaching method is totally different from the injection mathematics method. It is student-centered and teachers play a leading role in teaching; this method focuses on stimulating students’ active activities—thinking, questioning, debating, summarizing, demonstrating, experimenting, and developing their knowledge while enabling students to acquire knowledge and skills. All kinds of ability to learn the scientific methods to explore problems; to cultivate students’ creative thinking
<正> 阴茎离断再植成功,国内已有8例报告,均系锐器所致。我科收治1例阴茎炸断伤,再植成功已6年,现报告如下。王某,男,18岁。于1975年7月3日因埋置土炸药,不慎炸伤外阴及右大