用归一化工作量剂量估算法估算了武汉地区医用 X线工作者的辐照剂量,并对其进行了临床及实验室检查。83.8%的人累积剂量在8.8拉德以下,99.6%的人在88拉德以下。平均年剂量当量618毫雷姆。无超容许水平照射者。与X线照射有关的效应是外周血淋巴细胞染色体畸变率和微核率增加。没有看到造血、免疫、神经—体液系统和临床体征等的电离辐射的非随机效应。
The dose of normalized dose estimation method was used to estimate the radiation dose of medical X-ray workers in Wuhan and clinical and laboratory tests were conducted. 83.8% of people accumulated below 8.8 rads and 99.6% below 88 rads. The average annual dose equivalent of 618 millimeters. No super-allowable level of illumination. The effect associated with X-ray irradiation is an increase in chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes. No non-random effects of ionizing radiation such as hematopoiesis, immunology, neuro-humoral systems and clinical signs were seen.