患者,女,42岁。因反复发热、干咳、潮热、盗汗、消瘦2年,加重伴高热、气紧、心累2月余,经外医院正规抗痨治疗无效于1990年4月17日住院。有关节疼痛及面部色素沉着20年余。晒太阳后面部色素沉着加重伴痒感。查体:T37℃,P110次/分,R22次/分,面部蝶形色素沉着,双肺闻干湿鸣,心率110次/分,律齐。肝肋下1cm,脾(-)。Hb113g/L,RBC 3.9×10~(12)/L,WBC5.0×10~9/L,N0.61,L0.29。胸片示:双肺间质性肺炎伴右侧胸膜炎。给予青霉素等抗感染治疗半月余,症状无好转,每日下午4~8点高热(40℃左右),盗
Patient, female, 42 years old. Due to repeated fever, dry cough, hot flashes, night sweats, weight loss for 2 years, increased with high fever, tight gas, heart tired more than 2 months, the anti-tuberculosis treatment by the hospital invalid in April 17, 1990 hospitalization. Joint pain and facial pigmentation more than 20 years. Pigmentation in the back of the sun aggravates itching. Physical examination: T37 ℃, P110 beats / min, R22 beats / min, facial butterfly pigmentation, lung wet and dry mute, heart rate 110 beats / min, law Qi. Liver ribs 1cm, spleen (-). Hb113g / L, RBC 3.9 × 10-12 / L, WBC5.0 × 10-9 / L, N0.61, L0.29. Chest radiograph showed: interstitial pneumonia with right pleurisy. Give penicillin and other anti-infective treatment for more than a month, no improvement in symptoms, daily afternoon 4 to 8 high fever (40 ℃), Pirates