口疮是口腔粘膜病中最常见的一种病,普通感冒,消化不良,精神紧张,郁闷不乐等情况均可发生,好发于唇颊、舌缘等,在口腔粘膜任何部位都能出现:一般能自愈,但易复发。口疮的病因目前尚不明确。由于它易复发,给患者精神上带来了很大痛苦。患口疮者女性多于男性。笔者自1996年以来,应用谷维素、VitB、安定,联合治疗口疮取得了满意的疗效,现报告如下。 1.一般资料
Aphthous ulcer is the most common oral mucosal disease, common cold, indigestion, mental stress, depression, etc. can occur, occur in the lip cheeks, tongue edge, etc., can occur in any part of the oral mucosa: Generally self-healing, but easy to relapse. The etiology of aphthous is not yet clear. Because it is easy to relapse, to the patient brought great mental pain. There are more women than men with mouth sores. The author since 1996, the application of oryzanol, VitB, stability, combined treatment of aphtha and achieved satisfactory results, are as follows. General information