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什么样的领导才是一个好领导?好领导的标准是什么?以一个人为例,可能给我们最明确的启示,比如巴顿。日前,中粮集团召开第一期高层战略研讨会,董事长宁高宁点题并作主持人,引导下属进行了热烈的讨论。小组讨论:做巴顿的部下,你乐意吗? 1.巴顿的领导特点是什么?优点:不怕牺牲、目标明确、坚定信念、以身作则、果断、武断、真正的军人是男子汉,有阳刚之气。信念坚定,为了达成目标不惜一切代价往前冲,身先士卒,在当时情况下能摆脱观念的束缚,有解决具体问题的能力,直接果断,职业感强,绝对权威。缺点:领导风格霸道,简单粗暴。2.你认为巴顿是一个好经理吗?在当时的环境下,他是一个好领导,因为他具备领导打胜仗能力,军人的天职是在战场上获胜。在现在的环境下,经理人的标准有了变化,我们不认为他是一个好经理,但是如果他能与时俱进,以人为本,仍然可以做一个好领导。3.你愿意在他手下工作吗?我们愿意并乐意做他的手下。但前提是在当时情况下,我们喜欢这样的领导。如果在现实情况下,我们应该工作并快乐着。如果他能够转型,我们仍然能够认为 What kind of leadership is a good leader? What is the standard of good leadership? Taking one person as an example may give us the clearest revelation, such as Patton. Recently, COFCO held the first phase of the high-level strategic seminar, Chairman Ning Gunning rather than question and host, to guide subordinates for a lively discussion. Panel Discussion: Do you be Patton's subordinate, are you happy? 1. What are the characteristics of Patton's leadership? Advantages: not afraid of sacrifice, clear goals, firm conviction, leading by example, decisive and arbitrary, the real soldier is a man with masculinity. Faith is firm, and in order to achieve the goal, we must move forward at all costs and take the lead. In the circumstances, we can get rid of the shackles of ideas and have the ability to solve specific problems. We are directly decisive, professional and absolute. Disadvantages: leadership style overbearing, simple and crude. 2. Do you think Barton is a good manager? In the circumstances, he is a good leader, because he has the ability to lead the victory, the military's vocation is to win on the battlefield. In today's environment, the manager's standard has changed. We do not think he is a good manager. But if he can keep up with the times and people-oriented, he can still be a good leader. Are you willing to work under him? We are willing and willing to be his men. But the premise is that under the circumstances, we like this leadership. If in reality, we should work and be happy. If he can transform, we can still think of it
一、受基本结构的影响将非强 调句型误判为强调句型 大家知道,英语强调句型的基 本结构是it 15…*hat…,而不是it 15… wha几二,所以有的同学对下题选择 了A: It was teno’e
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剪短裤?你看了这个题目一定很惊讶吧!把长裤剪成短裤,这不是有病吗?不过,我对自己剪短裤的这种想法和做法,可从来没有感到有什么奇怪的。这是为什么呢?让我来告诉你吧。 Cut
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