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自20世纪末期以来,世界范围内掀起了社团革命的浪潮,社会团体的力量越来越引起人们的重视。个人本位观逐渐受到了团体本位观的冲击,多元主义、公共社团主义等日益彰显,结社自由获得了充分肯定,各种“利益集团”蓬勃兴起,成为参与和影响政府决策、加强社会团结、树立公共精神、增进民主自律的重要社会力量。公共服务市场化、社会化的趋势加强,国家不再是公共权力的惟一行使者,社会多元化导致了权力多元化,权力已不局限于国家所独占,在国家权力之外与之并存的还有社会权力,其载体主要就是各种非政府组织,即社会团体。 Since the late 20th century, a wave of community revolution has been set off in the world, and the power of social organizations has drawn increasing attention. Individual concept of individuality has been gradually challenged by the concept of “group-based”. Pluralism and public corporatism have been increasingly manifested. Freedom of association has been fully affirmed and all kinds of “interest groups” have flourished. They have become involved and influenced government decisions and strengthened social solidarity , Establish a public spirit, and promote democracy and self-discipline as an important social force. The trend of marketization and socialization of public services has been strengthened. The state is no longer the sole agent of public power. Social pluralism has led to the diversification of power. The power has not been confined to the exclusive use of the state, but also to the coexistence of state power Social power, the carrier is mainly a variety of non-governmental organizations, that is, social groups.
【摘 要】要让学生喜欢物理,教师要更新思想,探究创新,采用不同的方式来激发学生对物理学习的兴趣。   【关键词】喜欢物理 感受物理 享受成功    我们会经常从我们的初中学生那里得到这样的反馈:物理没意思,物理知识忘记了,物理知识记混了,物理题无从下手,物理实验不愿动手,物理成绩不及格,害怕物理,不愿学物理……为什么会这样?是因为他们在学习物理的最初没有入进门来,是因为他们对物理没来得及产生兴趣,