一、建立我国集权型外债管理体制的意义我国外债必须实行集权型管理,这是我国经济发展与外债管理的必然趋向。 1.经济发展与对外负债存在密切关系。外债是要以利息作为代价加倍偿还的,因而具有明显的两重性。它既可能成为加速经
I. The Significance of Establishing a Centralized Management System of Centralized Foreign Debts in Our Country The foreign debts of our country must be managed in a centralized manner. This is the inevitable trend of China’s economic development and foreign debt management. 1. Economic development and foreign debt are closely related. Foreign debt is repayable at double the cost of interest and thus has obvious duality. It can either become accelerated