“见识”,就是见闻和知识。一个人的见识如何,往往在很大程度上决定其事业成就的大小。在社会主义市场经济条件下,保安公司经理应该具备什么样的见识呢?根据十年做保安公司经理的体会。我认为主要的有: 主见。保安公司经理的重要职责之一,就是拿主意,这就决定了其遇事要善于思考,形成科学的主见。保安公司经理在做决策时无疑要发扬民主,听取各方面的意见和建议,但这决不意味着可以没有主见。因为人们生活的经历不同,所处的位置不同,以及看问题的角度不同,往
“Knowledge” is the knowledge and knowledge. A person’s knowledge, often to a large extent determine the size of his career achievements. Under the conditions of socialist market economy, security company managers should have what kind of knowledge? According to the experience of ten years as a security company manager. I think the main ones are: assertiveness. Security company manager one of the important responsibilities is to take the idea, which determines its case should be good at thinking, the formation of scientific opinion. In making their decisions, the security company manager undoubtedly needs to promote democracy and listen to the opinions and suggestions of all sides. However, this in no way means that there can be no assertion. Because people’s life experiences are different, their location is different, and the perspective of the problem is different,