法国堡垒步枪体态庞大,口径20 mm,其设计目的是用于堡垒防卫——堡垒防卫武器从很早的时期,人们就已经懂得利用各种防御工事来防卫敌人,从最简单的路障,到后来复杂的城堡和要塞等等。这些防御工事使用各种器械进行防卫,如在城堡的城墙上加装锯齿状物、在堡垒周围挖掘壕沟等等。随着防御工事的结构变得越来越复杂,用于对防御工事进行防御的器械也变得越来越复杂。之后,武器的发展越来越成熟,特别是火药时代来临以后,各种武器也开始用于工事的防卫。
The French fort rifle, a massive 20 mm caliber, was designed to be used for fortification defenses - fortress defensive weapons. From a very early age, people knew how to use defenses to defend their enemies from the simplest roadblocks to later Complex castles and fortifications and more. These defenses use various instruments to defend them, such as adding jagged walls to the castle walls, digging ditches around the forts and much more. As the structure of the fortifications becomes more complex, the instruments used to defend fortifications have also become more sophisticated. Since then, the development of weapons has become more mature. Especially after the age of gunpowder comes, various kinds of weapons have also started to be used in the defense of fortifications.