花几百元钱进入招聘会,一个人都不招,这样假招聘现象在各地屡有发生。最近,这种假招聘遭遇了杀手。北京三家外企被北大拒之门外。据有关媒体报道,在北京大学每次招聘会上都有“假招聘”的企业。 “假招聘”的原因主要是想在高校扩大影响,而且进校招聘费用低,仅数百元。在今年的校园招聘会上,北大提出,进校招聘
To spend hundreds of dollars into the job fair, a person does not move, so the phenomenon of fake recruitment in various places often occur. Recently, this fake recruitment suffered a killer. Beijing three foreign companies were rejected by Beijing University. According to media reports, each job fair at Peking University has “false recruitment” of the enterprise. “Fake recruitment ” The main reason is to want to expand influence in colleges and universities, but also to school fees low, only a few hundred dollars. In this year’s campus recruitment, Peking University put forward to school recruitment