风光奇特、别具韵味的小龙山风景群,位于安徽省历史文化名城——桐城县城以南50公里,明、清两代曾以“五里三进士、隔河两状元之乡邦”闻名遐迩,现代又以黄梅戏表演艺术家严凤英的故里而蜚声中外。 小龙山盘踞于扬子江北岸,脉气回龙,峰危山媚,壑暗谷深,石怪洞险,林幽林翠。其腹地为龙窝,龙窝周围遍布景点达50余处。东有龙门峡,南有倒桅岗,西有月亮峰,北有游龙峪。竹海、枫林、杜鹃谷、玉兰山、双株柏、进士第、严凤英故居……错落有致的自然与人文景观,擅一邑之胜。
It is located in the famous historical and cultural city of Anhui Province, 50 kilometers south of Tongcheng County. The Ming and Qing dynasties were well known for their “Five Weds, Three Scholars” In modern times, it is famous both at home and abroad for its hometown of Huang Fengyi performing artist Yan Fengying. Longshan hill entrenched in the north shore of the Yangtze River, pulse back to the dragon, Peak dangerous mountain Mei, dark valleys dark, stone strange cave risk, Lin You Lin Tsui. Its hinterland is Long Wo, Dragon Nest around the attractions of more than 50 Department. Longmen gorge in the east, south of the inverted mast Kong, the moon peak in the west, north of Longyu tour. Zhuhai, Maple, Rhododendron Valley, Magnolia Hill, Shuangbashi cypress, Jinshi, Yan Fengying former residence ... ... patchwork of natural and cultural landscape, good Yap wins.