The purpose of scientific research is to understand the essence and laws of objective things and make the best use of them for the service of human society.For this lofty purpose, for thousands of years, many scientists both at home and abroad have devoted their lives to life and some have even offered valuable Life.His noble sentiments and noble morality have been recorded in the annals of history and flow through the ages.Science is the knowledge of seeking truth from facts and can not come without any falsehood.All sciences are derived from the practice and practice of proven truths, On the other hand, any scientific and technological worker should understand that today’s party style is not correct and the social ethos is not correct. Such a trend has also infiltrated the academic institutions and research teams, Resulting in the phenomenon of adulteration of scientific research.Science and technology workers in order to achieve individual for some purpose unscrupulous way to defraud all sorts of honor things heard.