1997年8月18日这一天,中国旅游城市秦皇岛的文化圈内传出一条使人惊叹的消息:一个来自安徽巢湖的外表平俗得近乎邋遢的老头儿,与来自东北吉林某地出家修心吃斋念佛隐居多年的老太太走到了一起,在一间简陋的屋舍里喜结连理。老头儿73岁,老太太76岁,掐指一算他们从相离相别到此时已44年。44年的相隔与陌路从此划上了句号。面对众多前来道喜的文化界新闻界人士,老头当即赋诗一首:“悲悲苦苦四十年,白发重逢已暮年。政坛风雨吹不断,花好月圆看今天。” 老头是什么人?老太太是什么人?为什么他们的结合引起众多人的关注? 一、袖秘的“江南剪报大王”和他的凄
On August 18, 1997, an amazing message came from the cultural circle of Qinhuangdao, a tourist city in the Chinese city of Qiandao. An old-fashioned man with an almost cynical appearance in Chaohu, Anhui Province, Retirement Buddha for many years to eat the old lady came together in a shabby house wedding knot. The old man is 73 years old, the old lady is 76 years old, pinch finger count them from phase to phase to the present has been 44 years. 44 years of separation and unfamiliar road from the end. In the face of many of the media circles coming to Daoism, the old man immediately wrote a poem: “Sad and suffering for forty years, the gray hair reunions have been at an early age. Why is the old lady? Why their combination attracted the attention of many people? First, the cuff of the ”Jiangnan newspaper king" and his sad