VLAN(Virtual Local AreaNetwork)即虚拟局域网,是一种通过将局域网内的设备逻辑地而不是物理地划分成一个个网段从而实现虚拟工作组:EPON(Ethernet Passive Optical Network)即以太网无源光网络,它具有节省光纤资源、对网络协议透明的的特点,在光接入网中扮演着越来越重要的角色。介绍城市社区间宽带网络应提供的基本功能,接入技术及设计原则,结合VLAN与EPON以太网,说明城市社区间网络互联等实现中的具体问题。
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a virtual local area network. It is a virtual working group that realizes the virtual working group by logically and not physically dividing the devices in the LAN into one network segment: EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Network), that is, Ethernet passive light Network, which has the characteristics of saving fiber resources and being transparent to network protocols, plays an increasingly important role in the optical access network. This paper introduces the basic functions, access technologies and design principles that broadband networks in urban communities should provide. Combined with VLAN and EPON Ethernet, this paper describes the specific problems in the realization of network interconnection among urban communities.