根据《山东省实施〈食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害管理条例〉办法》和《全国碘缺乏病防治监测方案》的有关规定 ,于 2 0 0 0年 10月至 2 0 0 1年 3月对莱城区碘盐销售、使用单位和居民用户进行了碘盐卫生监测 ,发现了不少亟待解决的问题。现将结果作一综合分析 ,旨在为制定消除碘缺乏
According to the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Implementation of the “Regulations on the Administration of Salt and Iodine to Eliminate Iodine Deficiency Hazards” and the “National Monitoring Scheme for Prevention and Treatment of Iodine Deficiency Disorders” in Shandong Province from October 2000 to March 2001, Iodized salt sales in urban areas, the use of units and residents of iodized salt health monitoring, and found a lot of problems to be solved. Now a comprehensive analysis of the results, aimed at the development of the elimination of iodine deficiency