
来源 :中国自动识别技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmjgood520
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近日,北京奥组委传出消息说,2008年北京奥运会将全面运用人脸识别系统,该技术能够从人群中快速辨认和甄别恐怖分子和其他可能引发犯罪的人员,以防止其进入相关的敏感区域。据悉,奥运期间将有10多亿人的信息进入北京奥运场馆的人脸识别系统数据库,每个比赛场馆安装的探头数量可能会是数百个甚至多达数千个,从而全部实施监控。这个消息一经传出,立即引起大家关注。有人就此发出评论说:“历史上,很多技术都是通过一些大型体育赛事走向实用。对于国内乃至国际人脸识别领域,2008年的北京奥运会就很有可能为他们提供一次这样的机会。”但另一种声音则表示,国内外现有的人脸识别技术,在具体应用中需要受很多客观条件(如天气、光线变化,拍摄距离等)的制约,因此要实现更广泛的应用,还需要突破很多技术难题。不过,有一点不容置疑,那就是——包括人脸识别在内的生物特征识别技术,以及人们对这些技术本身的需求和想象,已经逐步走进人们的视野,并或多或少地影响着人们的生活。那么,生物特征识别技术本身的发展现状如何?它到底能为人类带来哪些便利或能解决什么样的问题?人们对它的接受程度如何?让更多的人们用自己的生物特征来证明自己的身份,在现实中是否遥远?本刊记者带着这些问题采访了中国科学院自动化研究所专家田捷、清华大学电子工程系教授苏光大以及国内外生物特征识别领域的相关企业负责人,并将专家观点和企业声音如实呈现给读者。希望通过这样的报道方式抛砖引玉,以期大家对生物特征识别技术投入更多关注,从而展开更加深入的讨论。 Recently, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee came the news that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will fully utilize the face recognition system, the technology can quickly identify and identify terrorists and other potential crime-ridden people from the crowd in order to prevent them from entering the relevant sensitive area. It is reported that during the Olympic Games there will be more than 1 billion people into the Beijing Olympic stadium face recognition system database, the number of probes installed in each competition venues may be hundreds or even up to thousands, so that all the implementation of monitoring. Once the news came out, immediately aroused everyone’s attention. In response, some people commented: “Historically, many technologies have come to fruition through major sporting events, and the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 are likely to provide such an opportunity for domestic and international face recognition.” However, Another kind of voice said that the existing face recognition technology at home and abroad needs to be constrained by many objective conditions (such as weather, light changes, shooting distance, etc.) in specific applications. Therefore, in order to achieve wider application, Break through many technical problems. However, it is beyond doubt that biometrics including face recognition, as well as the needs and imagination of people for these technologies, have gradually come to the horizon and have more or less the effect people’s lives. So what is the status quo of the biometric technology itself? What kind of problems can it bring to human beings or how can it be solved? How can it be accepted by more people? More people use their biometrics to prove themselves Identity, in reality is far? The reporter with these questions interviewed expert Tian Jie, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University Su Guangda and domestic and foreign biometric identification in the field of related business leaders, and Expert opinions and corporate voices presented to the reader truthfully. We hope that through such reports, we will start a discussion with the hope that more people will pay more attention to the biometric identification technology and start a more in-depth discussion.
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目的:建立高效液相色谱法测定蒙药制剂浩森布如-13中胡椒碱的含量。方法:采用Diamonsi L C18(250mm×4.6mm,5μm)色谱柱;以甲醇-水(77∶23)为流动相;流速1.0m L·min^(-1);检