中国联通还在用经营GSM的方式经营CDMA.CDMA运营4个多月来的“热炒冷卖”表明,这是多么的不合时宜.在经济日益市场化的今天,联通在营销基本操作的4个P方面还显得非常笨拙. 终端生产商在晌应联通号召积极配合供货方面非常勉强部分原因是联通在2000年初的知识产权谈判时只是顾及到自己的利益,导致单个终端生产厂商与高通谈判无法形成集体谈判力量,从而使得终端生产厂商的成本高居不下.“,”China Unicom sells CDMA the way it sells GSM.However, the 30 billion RMB investment has notresulted in rapid increase in servicesubscription as had been expected.Experts say that China Unicom,the second largest telecom carrierin China, behaves clumsily inCDMA marketing.Eary 2000. China Unicom didnot stand with mobile phone manu-facturers to bargain with Qualcom,the CDMA intellectual propertyowner, which resulted in high intellectual fees paid toQualcom by these manufacturers indvidually. Therefore,the prices of CDMA phones are much higher than thoseof GSM phones. The manufacturers were reluctant to fillthe market with CDMA phones because the demand wasweak and the surplus could not be exported to othercountries. In addition, CDMA phone distributors do notwant to take risk for a kind of product that have not beenproved to be mature and to be accepted by consumers.Bat one point is very critical: the services providedby China Unicom is poor. IT