Forty-four cases of meningioma were collected, including 4 microcapsules, 2 lymphoid plasma cells, 2 chordate-like cells, 1 clear cell type, 1 secretory type, 2 papillary type and 2 variant type ; Another meningeal vascular hemangioma in 5 cases. The specimens were made into HE, AB-PAS, reticular fibers and five kinds of immunohistochemistry: Vimentin, EMA, Keratin, FⅧ and glial fibrillary acidic protein GFAP) staining, 5 cases of electron microscopy. The other 11 cases of common meningioma staining the same control. Through researching the morphological characteristics of various types of meningioma and discuss its mechanism. Proposed in the past diagnosis of most of the vascular cell meningioma of the meningeal vascular hemangiomas, the latter is no longer considered a subtype of meningioma.