To Be A Lotus Eater Or To Be A Wealth Creator?

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  The Lotus Eater is one of the short stories written by William Somerset Maugham(1874-1965),one of the most outstanding novelists of his day in England. He is looked on by some critics more a clever and competent craftsman than an artist, a story-teller rather than a profound author. His short story, The Lotus Eater, along with many other stories, has not only won him an important position among the greatest modern English novelists, but is also one of the treasures of the world literature.
  The short story touches the readers’ heart not only by its interesting plot, but by its delicate description of the character involved: Thomas Wilson, an eccentric person who indulged in a carefree life but finally fell on hard times and harsh realities.
  Thomas Wilson is a manager in a blank. He began work when he was seventeen. Cautious by nature and trained in a business instead of expecting too much of life, he can only look forward to doing the same old thing day after day till he retires on his pension. However, in the face of the world where the weak are the prey of the strong, each trying to cheat or outwit the other, he doesn’t resign to be “sold as scrap-iron.”He has tried every means to free himself from the yoke of fate, wanting to be a man who can boldly take the course of his life into his own hands. But, alas, his struggle against society proves to be so fruitless that the rope around his neck is getting tighter and tighter. After a desperate struggle, he has got the worst thing in the world——the death of both his wife and his daughter. With a bleeding heart, he takes a close look at society, and in the face of the harsh reality he has to admit his defeat. Seeing himself friendless and wretched, he is suffering extreme distress and can’t get over it. With whom can he share his gloomy mood? Upon whom can he vent his spite? Just as luck would have it, he happens to visit the attractively picturesque island——Capri. All at once he is struck by the beauty there——the Piazza, the bathing place, the setting sun, the blue sea and the bright moon, which arouse his hopes for a new life. With no yearning for fame and fortune for the future, he takes comfort in the legend of Sybris and Crotona ( Sybris and Crotona were two cities, nothing remaining of which except just one column to Crotona). Enlightened by the story, he resigns and goes to live in Capri with the pension that will last him just 25 years, seeking freedom in the simple, natural life.   On Capri he spends his time by drinking, smoking and swimming, watching the blue sea and the bright full moon, playing the piano and cards. Outwardly he is leading a carefree life, but inwardly he is not so happy. Homeless, he wants to find sustenance in pleasure and use it as anesthetics. Nevertheless the kind of life on the island, the Land of Peach Blossoms, cannot help him get out of the tragic fate. After his pension ends, he becomes utterly destitute. In the world where money talks, he , penniless and helpless, can hardly exist. The only way out for him is to commit suicide, which may be his only protect against society. But he hasn’t the strength of will to carry out the plan and at length is sent to the hospital.
  “He was English, and the Italian authorities did not wish to make themselves responsible for him. The British Consul in Naples had no funds to deal with the case.” At last he dies more of grief than of the natural beauty.
  Through the delicate description of Wilson’s misfortune, the author seems to mourn for Wilson, but in reality he is condemning the evils of the society where people seek ease and comfort and are weary of life. At the same time the author wants to shed light on the life philosophy that one shouldn’t only seek pleasure but work hard.
  It’s obvious that the author sympathizes with Wilson in his sufferings, but overstates the character’s passive factors. Though the author negates society, yet he doesn’t criticize it and show people the right way. On the contrary, we can find revelation of his pessimism, dread and moral decay in the story. Exaggerating the environmental restrictions on a person, the author gives little attention to a person’s initiative. We cannot but say it’s the story’s limitation.
  To sum up, through the minute description of the character’s personality and the use of vivid dialogue and the third -person narrative, Maugham creates in an ironic way before us an odd sort of person--- one who wants to take pleasure in a happy-go-lucky life but gets deserted by society. The Lotus Eater is a criticism of the pleasure-seekers and an exposure of the decadence of the weary people in the world. What’s more, it’s an elegy for Wilson.
【摘要】高中的英语阅读在教学中始终占据着十分重要的作用,其作为课程中重要的一环,是实现素质教育的重中之重。它需要学生培养深层的阅读能力,提高深层能力的阅读,需要学生尽快掌握评判性思维能力,这种能力的培养探索也是新时代下需要不斷学习的一种能力。本文将从评判性思维能力的价值和意义出发,找出培养过程中它的不足之处,提出一些建议和策略,为相关工作人员给予参考。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读;评判性思维能力;
【摘要】随着教育改革工作的不断深化,使高职院校的改革也在不断进行中。高职院校的英语属于学生学习的重要课程,是培养学生全面素质的课程内容。多媒体环境下,开展高职英语创新具有一定的现实意义,采取混合式与交互式的教学模式。本文从多媒体环境视角下高职院校英语教学的特点与作用展开分析,并以此为依据,提出详细的改进措施,希望能够为相关人士提供思考。  【关键词】多媒体环境;高职院校;英语教学;交互式学习  【
【摘要】随着经济全球化和信息化的深入发展,国家社会需要越来越多的高层次翻译人才,翻译硕士专业学位(Master of translation and interpreting,简称MTI)应运而生。十多年来,翻译硕士专业蓬勃发展,培养了大批的翻译人才,但是新事物的成长不是一帆风顺的,翻译硕士教育发展在诸多方面存在问题,为推动应翻译硕士专业健康可持续的发展,应当深入剖析存在的问题并提出解决之道。  
【摘要】在新课程教育改革要求下,加大对农村小学生英语课外阅读能力以及习惯的培养是十分重要的。通过对学生英语课外阅读能力和习惯的培养,既能拓展学生学习英语的空间,还能帮助学生树立正确的人生观和价值观。但是,在现阶段农村小学英语课外阅读能力和习惯培养过程中,存在诸多问题,需要教师和家长以及学校共同参与,为学生今后的英语学习奠定坚实的基础。  【关键词】农村学生;课外阅读;阅读习惯;培养;策略  【作者
【摘要】在英语教学当中,英语阅读一直占据着初中英语教学的重要地位。根据对当前英语教学的调查研究发现,现在大部分学校在阅读方面所做的功课仍然不足。本文根据当前初中英语阅读教学状况,结合自己所拥有的教学经验,以上海牛津版英语为例,深入思考和探究了思维导图在初中英语教学当中的应用,并结合自己英语教学的多年经验,提供了自己关于思维导图在初中英语阅读课板书设计的一些建议。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语;阅
【摘要】随着社会科技的日渐发展成熟,计算机和互联网的高效、便捷、大容量数据库等特点的应用价值被人们所发现,并应用于各个阶段的教学教育活动中。小学英语教学是学生英语学习的启蒙教育阶段,如何运用大数据的教育优势提升学生的英语水平是教师应当不断探索的问题。本文将阐述大数据时代下小学英语教学的必要性、革新内容和具体方法。  【关键词】大数据;小学英语;创新型教学  【作者简介】黄晓峰,深圳市方直科技股份有
【摘要】本文通过研究教材,全面分析口语教材,发现口语教材与中高年级教材在话题和内容上的关联,强调口语教学的重要性。然后以课堂评价为抓手,探索和研究以两个单元学习量表来进行口语教学评价,以促进提高英语口语教学的质量。  【关键词】低年级口语;评价;学习量表  【作者简介】陈妮嫦,广东省广州市南沙区金隆小学。  前言  随着社会的发展,英语工具性的特征越来越明显。英语作为全球使用最广泛的语言,被人们用
语用学是20世纪70年代末发展起来的语言学的一个分支,它研究人们在具体言语情景中如何理解和产生交际行为或言语行为,也就是我们平时所说的会话。它是对使用中的语言的研究,而不是把语言作为一个抽象的系统来研究。我们也可能同意这个公式:语用=意义–语义。  语用学研究语言的一些方面包括:指示功能,预设功能,表述行为的,含义(指的是一种来自上下文的话语的间接或隐含意义,不是从其传统使用去研究)。语用学虽然有
【摘要】英语作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,已成为重要的信息载体。当代大学生是我国实现民族伟大复兴的新鲜血液,因此大学生应熟练掌握英语能力,实现多元学习的目标。文章从探讨现阶段在大学英语教学过程中存在的问题出发,分析在教学过程中学生群体和教师群体以及教材选择上的问题,并寻找可行的解决办法,以此来达到提高英语教学水平的目的。  【关键词】大学生英语;英语教学;教学矛盾  【作者简介】曹凡(1986.11