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30多年前,我有幸在国家第一历史档案馆工作过一段时期,并且负责编辑史料的工作。档案馆名为“明清”,其实明代档案很少,基本上是清代档案。民国后,这些档案曾经被人盗卖偷窃。鲁迅曾经写了《谈所谓“大内档案”》(见《而已集》)。揭发和斥责了这些破坏行为。后来由故宫文献馆接收,整理出版了《文献丛编》、《清代文字狱档》等。解放后,它由国家档案部门接收,改为“第一历史档案馆”。我去时,馆址在故宫西华门内,档案保存在东宫王子住的地方,还有清史馆、内阁大库等处,不算被盗窃和迁去台湾的,也有一千万件完整的,可真称得上是了不起的史料了,郭沫若来看过,盛赞这是“伟大的珍贵宝库”,它不仅是各省各机关上报的“奏折”、“红本”和皇帝的“朱批”、“上谕”,还有许多内部抄存的档 More than 30 years ago, I had the privilege of working for some time in the National History Archives and was in charge of editing historical materials. Archives named “Ming and Qing dynasties”, in fact, very few files in the Ming dynasty, is basically the files of the Qing Dynasty. After the Republic of China, these files were being stolen and sold by theft. Lu Xun once wrote “talk about the so-called” big file “” (see “only set”). Revealed and rebuked these vandalism. Later, it was received by the Forbidden City Literature Museum, and compiled and published “Series of Literature” and “Prodigy of the Qing Dynasty”. After the liberation, it was accepted by the national archives department and changed to “the first historical archives.” When I went there, the site was in the Ximen Gate of the Forbidden City. The archives were kept in the residence of the Prince of the East Palace, as well as the Qing Shi Museum and a large library of cabinets. Not thefts and relocations to Taiwan, but also 10 million complete It is not only the “memorials”, “red books” and the “Zhu batch” of the emperor’s submission, which are reported by various organs of the provinces, “Encyclical”, there are many internal copy file
兰州市森林公安局自1987年成立以来,以保护森林资源为出发点,以维护林区治安为切入点,以保障林业生产为落脚点,明确森林公安的职能,坚持打防并举的方针, Since its founding
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一、计算机辅助档案管理的现状。 1.计算机辅助档案管理系统的研制还处于低水平的重复。从大多数单位已经开发的软件来看,功能有检索文件、编目、统计、数据录入、修改、辅
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近来,由于酒后或超速驾驶机动车而发生的车祸触目惊心。据报道,8月5日,黑龙江省鸡西市一男子驾驶一辆路虎越野车连撞26人,致2人死亡,10人受伤;8月6日,上海一辆宝马轿 Recent
<正> 欧洲共同体历史档案馆是欧洲国家政冶、经济一体化的产物,共同体的组织、作用与活动,决定了该档案馆的基础结构。“欧洲共同体”这个名称是1951年建立的欧洲煤钢联营(EG