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2000年以来,延庆县委、县政府高度重视绿化造林工作,真抓实干、攻坚克难,使延庆县的绿化事业得到了又好又快发展。从1999年至2011年,延庆县森林覆盖率由41.59%增加到53.61%,净增12.02个百分点;林木绿化率由55.46%增加到62.83%,净增7.37个百分点。在延庆全县绿化得到发展的同时,延庆川区的绿化更是呈现了高速发展态势,尤其是实施工程造林后,采取高规格、大苗木栽植,强化栽后管护,当年栽植当年成林,使森 Since 2000, Yanqing county party committee and government attach great importance to green afforestation work, really hard work, tackling tough problems, Yanqing County’s afforestation has achieved sound and rapid development. From 1999 to 2011, the forest coverage of Yanqing County increased from 41.59% to 53.61%, a net increase of 12.02%. The forestation rate of greenwood increased from 55.46% to 62.83%, a net increase of 7.37 percentage points. In Yanqing County greening has been developed at the same time, Yanqing Chuanqu has shown rapid development of greening trend, especially after the implementation of afforestation projects, to take high-standard, large nursery stock planted, strengthen the management of plant protection, planted then planting, So Mori
近两年来我们采用静滴硫酸镁,口服舒喘灵治疗婴幼儿哮喘疗效满意,报道如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组85例均为本院儿科按照全国第三届小儿呼吸会议拟定的婴幼儿哮喘评
一群80后有时清贫得连吃方便面都是奢侈的事情、拮据得连房租都常常要拖欠,但这并不妨碍他们酿造出一个个美丽的梦。  3月19日晚在杭州剧院正式首演的原创音乐剧《十年》,讲述的就是这样一群生活在北京地下室里、为梦想而执著拼搏的青年的故事。十年的时间,艺术青年李梦阳为了将音乐剧搬上舞台而坚持奋斗,最终得以梦想成真。  这部讲述80后北漂奋斗史的浙产音乐剧,不仅引起了80后的强烈共鸣,也感动了所有的观众。
为了解新生儿硬肿症导致多器官功能不全综合征(MODS) 的发病机理,各功能不全器官之间的相互关系以及围产期因素对MODS发展的影响,对本院161 例新生儿硬肿症进行了临床病理分
【正】 Perstorp says it has acquired a neopentyl glycol production plant in Zinbo,Shandong province of eastern China,through its joint venture company Shandong
The National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)recently issued anotice on intensifying supervision for fertilizers prices to ensure the supply and steady
【正】 Ticona,the engineering polymers business of Celanese Corporation,plans to expand its integrated Nanjing com-plex to include a compounding unit that will
The six ministries and commissions under the State Council including the National De-velopment and Reform Commission,the Ministry of Agriculture and the State
目的:观察窒息新生儿血浆心钠素(ANP) 水平变化。方法:随机抽查了窒息新生儿20 例( 窒息组) 正常新生儿21 例( 对照组) 测定出生后24h 之内及72h 之后血浆ANP水平,进行组内、组间比较。结果:窒息组24h 与72h