谢双成老师,1981年7月毕业于湖州师专,分配到山区安古二中任教。短短六个春秋,怎能一跃成为浙江省中学语文教育界令人注目的教师,甚至在全国也稍有名气了呢?请看: 1985年破评为市级教坛新秀。《湖州日报》、《浙江教育报》先后介绍了他的事迹。 1986年被评为省级教坛新秀。《人民教育》1987年第2期作了报导。 1986年分別在杭州二中、杭州十四中、德清二中举行规模盛大的公开教学,受到浙江省教委、省教育学院领导、专家和广大教师的赞扬。 1987年12月在湖州二中为苏浙沪百校语文研讨会上观摩课,数百名与会同仁一政认为他的课设计新、
Mr. Xie Shuangcheng graduated from Huzhou Teachers College in July 1981 and was assigned to teach in the Angu Middle School. In just six Spring and Autumn Periods, how can they become the outstanding teachers in the Chinese language education community in Zhejiang Province, and even have a slight fame in the country? Please read: In 1985, it was elected as a rookie for municipal education. Huzhou Daily and Zhejiang Education Daily introduced his deeds. In 1986, he was rated as a rookie of provincial education. “People’s Education” was reported in the second issue of 1987. In 1986, a grand public teaching was held in Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School, Hangzhou No. 14 Middle School, and Deqing No. 2 Middle School respectively. They were praised by leaders, experts, and teachers of Zhejiang Provincial Education Commission and Provincial Education Institute. In December 1987, at the Second Seminar on Languages of Zhejiang, Shanghai and Shanghai in Huzhou No. 2 Middle School, the class was attended by hundreds of participants at the conference and thought that his class design was new.